Agriniser is a digital marketplace where you can buy and sell grain. The platform empowers farmers, buyers and traders to meet online and negotiate deals directly with each other. Agriniser is not a broker and is not involved in the trading process.

Market reach

Listing an offer on Agriniser Marketplace is the fastest way to connect with more buyers and sellers at anytime and from anywhere, while searching different types of grain takes only seconds.

Trust and security

Buyers and sellers who sign up on the platform go through a verification process before being allowed to participate on the Marketplace. Our internal rating system ensures greater security and trust for all participants.

Unbiased negotiations

Agriniser ensures fair and equal trade opportunities for everyone. Buyers and sellers negotiate directly in an anonymous environment until they agree the terms of the deal.

Strategic information

You can monitor strategic market information and grain prices across various geographical locations. That way you can better plan when and how to buy or sell.

© 2025 v2.09.0
Veiw Marketplace

Veiw Marketplace

Free registration

Free registration